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Is your Utah Teen at Risk of Yaz Injury?

There are many reasons why Utah teens use oral contraceptives like Yaz. Some teens use the pill to prevent pregnancy. Others are prescribed the pill to help with severe menstrual cramps and period-related mood swings and nausea. Others take the pill to clear up acne.

Yaz, and other birth control pills containing the hormone Drospirenone, are supposed to go “Beyond Birth Control” and do all three. Yaz is approved by the FDA to treat moderate acne, which may be why Yaz is the most popular birth control pill among teenagers age 13 to 18. Unfortunately, Yaz and similar pills can be very dangerous.

Drospirenone is linked to dangerous side effects including blood clots, stroke, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac arrest, and heart attack. In 2012, the FDA required that Yaz and other pills containing drospirenone to change the label to warn of these risks.

Birth Control Pills that Contain Drospirenone

  • Yaz
  • Yasmin
  • Beyaz
  • Giani
  • Loryna
  • Ocella
  • Safyral
  • Syeda
  • Zarah

However, by 2012, thousands of teens had taken the drugs without knowing the risks. Now some must spend their lives with the side effects of Yaz injury.

Lynsey Lee is one of these teens. We heard Ms. Lee’s story on MSNBC in December 2011.

Ms. Lee began taking Yaz as a 16-year-old to treat severe menstrual cramps and pelvic pain. Her pain didn’t get better. She started having mood swings and nausea and was told she was adjusting to the medicine. She went to the doctor again when she started having chest pains that made it difficult to breathe. The doctors found a blood clot in her left lung.

The clot could not be removed, so Ms. Lee takes blood thinners in the hopes that it will one day dissolve and move through her system. She suffers from chronic pain and fatigue and feels she has missed out on her youth.

If you or your loved one has a story like Lynsey Lee’s, you deserve accountability. To learn more about Utah Yaz injury lawsuits, contact a Salt Lake City pharmaceutical injury lawyer. To schedule an appointment, call the James Esparza Law Firm at 800-745-4050.
